Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi
Multiple crises
December 2, 2022
The present time is not only characterized by various crises. Rather, these crises merge into one another and merge into a general crisis situation - from financial and migration to democracy, pandemic, energy and war crises. All of these crises have far-reaching social consequences and, last but not least, affect the structure of social inequality, which increases insecurity and unease. The question must be asked seriously whether the previous approaches to solving crises can continue to hold up, or whether newer ways of thinking are needed to overcome them. The lecture will explore that a more precise understanding of the structure of modern societies can point the way to better crisis management. At the same time, a thoroughly optimistic perspective is dared, because the necessary concepts are definitely available.
Professor Armin Nassehi has been teaching general sociology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich since 1998. He covers the broad spectrum of sociology from empirical social research to social theory and the sociology of knowledge. His own methodical approach is influenced by Niklas Luhmann. Since 2012 he has been one of the editors of Kursbuch, one of the most influential cultural journals in Germany since 1968. Nassehi takes a stand on many issues of social and political development, and not just in Germany. His analyzes are precise and relevant and therefore in demand. His scientific oeuvre is extensive. Most recently published "Pattern. Theory of the digital society" (2019) and "The Big No. Dynamics and tragedy of social protest" (2020) and "Discomfort. Theory of the overwhelmed society" (2021).
Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi at Korbinians Kolleg
Professor Armin Nassehi has taught general sociology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich since 1998. He covers the broad spectrum of sociology from empirical social research to social theory and the sociology of knowledge. His own methodological approach is influenced by Niklas Luhmann. Since 2012, he has been one of the editors of "Kursbuch", one of the most influential cultural journals in Germany since 1968. Nassehi takes a stand on many issues of social and political development, not only in Germany. His analyses are precise and relevant and therefore in demand. His academic oeuvre is extensive. Most recently published "Muster. Theorie der digitalen Gesellschaft" (2019) and "Das große Nein. Eigendynamik und Tragik des gesellschaftlichen Protests" (2020).
From 5.30 pm | Admission and Get-Together
6.30 pm -6.40 pm | Welcome by Korbinian Kohler
6.40 pm – 7 pm | Introduction by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl
7 pm – 7.45 pm | Keynote Speech by Guest Speaker
7.45 pm – 8.15 pm | Discussion
8.30 pm - midnight | Exclusive Gala Dinner
Hotel guests and external guests can attend the lecture free of charge until 7.45 pm, with a registration 24 hours in advance upon request and subject to availability.
Accreditation Dinner
For the follow-up discussion and the exclusive dinner in an intimate setting, the speakers Professor Vossenkuhl and Korbinian Kohler will be present:
190 Euro per Person
Register with us at:
Maximum Number of Participants: 20 Guests