Immerse slowly into the heat inducing 42 degree hot Onsen pool. The heat releases tension, the body recovers and seeps ease gently. The hot water also has a calming effect on the mind, the body strives to lower the body temperature, same as in a sauna. This boosts the metabolism and the immune system. A process of letting go, to be completely absorbed and let the thoughts wander. A bath in the Onsen pool has a stress easing effect.

After a bath in the hot Onsen pool, we recommend a dip into one of the two cold water pools (2 or 10 degrees). The cold water triggers a vigorous cold stimulus in the body, the blood centralises from the periphery to the middle of the body and flushes the organs, the metabolism is invigorated, fats are melted. A visit to the steam room is a pleasurable experience with a similar detoxifying effect. The warm, humid air stimulates the organs, especially the skin and the respiratory tract. The pores of the skin are opened, a regular steam bath can promote pure and softer skin. In addition, it eases the muscles into relaxation.

In the MIZU ONSEN SPA Park our natural water basin is located right by the outdoor sauna. Water from the Mühlbach, the stream flowing through our park, fills into the natural pool consistently. The cold water of the pool refreshes and stimulates the circulation, with the same invigorating effects of a bath in the two cold water basins in the Onsen. Not only swimmers enjoy the 20 meter long sole pool in the park in the morning. You can take some relaxing laps here, while letting your gaze wander over the amazing surrounding mountain view or just float on the water, being carried by it and surrendering all weight to its gentle motions.



The mill stream

Three footbridges lead over the Mühlbach. You can sit or lie on these, the rushing of the water has a meditative effect, letting you dive from the noise of the world into an inner universe. Water is a substance that we not only need to live, but also to enjoy.

Enjoy the diversity of water here at Tegernsee.