schön angerichtete Köstlichkeiten der Mizu Sushi Bar im Bachmair Weissach Spa & Resort
schön angerichtete Köstlichkeiten der Mizu Sushi Bar im Bachmair Weissach Spa & Resort

One stay - two culinary styles. Mediterranean Levante cuisine, Alpine, Italian or Japanese culinary delights - you choose your dine-around option from a total of 7 restaurants.


2 overnight stays

With the following extras as part of the 3/4 pampering board:
-2x dinner menu in one of our restaurants of your choice

Included for you: 3/4 pampering board with a rich breakfast buffet, a snack and cake in the afternoon and all inclusive services.

from € 759.00 for one adult
from € 1,189.00 for two adults

Our offers are valid: On request and subject to availability.



Did we inspire you? We are happy to answer your request and help you find the unique moment of happiness at Bachmair Weissach. Or do you already know exactly what you want? Then book directly.

Booking-hotline: +49 (0) 8022/278-570 or