Syria, Ukraine, Gaza: International Law and Modern Warfare

Lecture on February 14, 2025

In the past decade, armed conflicts around the world have significantly increased, with international law playing a crucial role. Legal proceedings are being brought before the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court is given jurisdiction to prosecute war crimes, and national courts are also trying war criminals. For example, not only has an arrest warrant been issued for the sitting president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, but the Federal Republic of Germany is also facing legal proceedings for alleged complicity in genocide.

What are the differences between these proceedings, and what significance do these legal battles hold for war and peace? What role does the Federal Republic of Germany play, and why is the history of the 20th century particularly relevant in this context?

Professor Dr. jur. Christoph Safferling (LL.M.) has held the Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, International Criminal Law and Public International Law as well as Director of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy since 2015. He studied law in Munich and London and received his doctorate from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 1999 and his habilitation from the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2006. He was a professor at the Philipps University of Marburg and director of the Research and Documentation Center for War Crimes Trials there.

He has written books on international criminal law and criminal procedure law (including International Criminal Procedure, Oxford 2012; Internationales Strafrecht, Springer 2011). He is volume editor of the Munich Commentary on International Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. From 2012 to 2017, he was a member of the Independent Scientific Commission at the Federal Ministry of Justice for the Reappraisal of the Nazi Past. (Final report: The Rosenburg File. The Federal Ministry of Justice and the Nazi Era).

From 2017 to 2021, he investigated how the Federal Public Prosecutor General dealt with the Nazi past (Final report: Staatsschutz im Kalten Krieg. The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office between the Nazi past, the Mirror Affair and the RAF). His most recent book analyzes the state of democracy on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany (Der Streitfall. Wie die Demokratie nach Deutschland kam und wie wir sie neu beleben müssen, 2024; co-author Friedrich Kießling).

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Christoph Safferling


From 5.30 pm | Admission and Get-Together

6.30 pm -6.40 pm | Welcome by Korbinian Kohler

6.40 pm – 7 pm | Introduction by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl

7 pm – 7.45 pm | Keynote Speech by Guest Speaker

7.45 pm – 8.15 pm | Discussion

8.30 pm - midnight | Exclusive Gala Dinner

Until 8:15 pm, hotel guests and external visitors can attend the lecture for free, provided they register 24 hours in advance, subject to availability and upon request.

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Accreditation Dinner

For an exclusive dinner in an intimate setting with the possibility for discussion you can register with us:


190 Euro per Person


Maximum Number of Participants: 20 Guests

The speaker, Professor Vossenkuhl and Korbinian Kohler will be present.